Saturday, April 11, 2020

Back to the 1920s

The NYC Urban Sketchers "met" to sketch today. The plan for the morning was to time travel again but back to NYC in the 1920s. We could use images from anywhere we wanted but there was a link to a collection of 1920s images. It saved time that way. We were told to select two images and combine them into one sketch or painting. Here is the sketch I did.

Here are the Google images I combined.

In the afternoon the assignment was to go back to the 1920s again but to add something from today to be a bridge from the past to the present. Here is my sketch.

I ended up using two photos from the past.

And a photo of a current NYC taxi.

It was an interesting, fun way to be creative.


  1. That was a fun exercise and you did great in showing the anachronism with the flappers and the yellow cab. I missed yesterday's event but I followed the amazing posts you all did. Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks, Mel. Mark is doing a great job in challenging us. Next week I think we will be using zoom to share too so we can see each other.

  2. What an interesting way to combine the past and the present. Way to go Joan!

  3. These sketches are well done and fun to see. You have a great imagination.
