Friday, July 26, 2024

To the Marina

 I am participating in a plein air event being held by the South Bay Art Association. We have had about a week to paint scenes in and around Bellport. I had already done one painting of the Bellport Historical Society, but wanted to do a second painting so I would have a choice of what I could put into the exhibition which is being held tomorrow at Bellport Day. The event will be judged.

For this painting I painted from an area on Bellport Lane where I've done smaller paintings before. I parked my car under a nice, big shady tree. Then I took out my easel and set it up in front of my car. I was able to lean against the hood of my car while I was painting. Looking down the street at the end is the Bellport Yacht Club behind the security gate. I always like the strong shadows across the lane in this area.

Here is the finished painting.

Here is my setup at the start of the day.

The painting was nearly done here.

In the finished painting I darkened the building behind the security gate house to separate the buildings a little more. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Flowers at Rotary Park

The Patchogue Sketch Club was scheduled to sketch at a concert in Rotary Park in Sayville last Wednesday. The weather forecast was for the possibility of strong thunderstorms...although it looked fairly nice. Three of us showed up at the park only to find a sign saying the concert had been postponed due to weather. We decided to stay and sketch the flowers in the area. FYI...we didn't have any storms.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Is It?

 I like sketching odd things when I see them. This was parked in a parking lot locally. I'm not sure what it is. It looks like an assortment of junk(?) with no actual theme. There was a lighthouse, shutters for windows, life preservers, a body board and assorted other things. Looks like it will float too.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Patio Flowers

I decided to do a direct watercolor of my rose begonias that are out on the patio. They made a good subject. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Bellport Historic Society

 I am participating in a plein air event sponsored by the South Bay Art Association. Our paintings are being done in Bellport and Brookhaven, and then one piece from each participating artist will be exhibited in a juried show on Bellport Day, July 27. My first painting is of one of the Bellport Historical Society buildings. There is a museum inside with artifacts and information about Bellport.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Oysters & Clams & More

Last week I bought some oysters and clams on the half-shell from The Fish Store in Bayport as an appetizer for dinner. I did a Procreate sketch of them, and I was pleasantly surprised with how they came out. 

One of the items for the CreativeSpark Scavenger Hunt was something related to childhood. I though about a slide immediately.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Moon Garden

Last week my plein air group was invited to a private garden. The homeowner had a part of the garden she called her "moon garden." It had lots of blue orbs tucked in amid the flowers. It was a really pretty area.