Sunday, March 13, 2022

Fishing Boat

 Before I started working on the 100 People challenge I had posted a sketch of the dunes at Tiana Beach in the Hamptons. I drove along Dune Road to the end by the Shinnecock Canal where there are a few restaurants and a commercial fishing dock. I sat and sketched one of the fishing boats with all the interesting equipment both on the boat and off the boat.


  1. This is great Joan. You so often pick such detailed and interesting sugjects.

    1. Thank you, Val. Lots of the time I don't know what the details are exactly like on boats.

  2. So many great details! My eyes keep wandering, and looking, and looking, and looking left to right.

  3. It's alway nice NOT to know what you're painting/drawing it tends to make you look at the shapes and colors instead of the actual thing.

    Lovely, ...

    Ever tried a car graveyard it's also very pleasing to do

    1. Thanks, Rene'. I have sketched in graveyards too.

  4. Super nice. Our grocery store here has an ad about fishing and says “This is the fresh seafood department at my H.E.B.” The closest I get to seeing fishing boats. Thanks for sketching this for us dry land folks.

    1. I forget that some people aren't near water and don't see boats like these. I like their character. Thanks so much!
