Thursday, August 29, 2019

Paint the Great South Bay - Part 5 - The Model

One evening during "Paint the Great South Bay" the plan was to have a model pose for us. Originally Jayne was supposed to pose for us at the beach, but the weather forecast was for possible storms so the location was moved to a place where we could seek shelter if necessary. The location was the Terry Street Garden in Patchogue where I had painted the view with the church. As you can see Jayne had some props with her and was dressed in an outfit that looked like it was from the 20s. Painting anything white is a challenge to say the least.

We sketched and painted maybe an hour with one eye on the sky watching the dark clouds approach. With our experience lately with the storms rolling through as soon as the first drop fell I packed up all my stuff and put it in my car. I came back to help Jayne with her props since she also had a chair to carry to her car. We no sooner all got into our cars when the heavens opened up. Minutes later there was thunder and lightning. Luckily we were all safe inside our cars and heading home in the pouring rain. 
The painting is far from finished. I do have a reference photo if I decide I want to work on it, but I doubt that I will. I was happy with it in some respects but the bottom of her body is much too short in proportion to the top.

Here is a photo of a few of us who lasted until the rain came with our paintings in various stages of completion.


  1. You all did great work. What a beautiful model and props. I think yours is well done in the time frame and antique looking. I would never go back to it. :-)

    1. Thanks for your comment, Jo. It was a challenge and I'm glad I tried.

  2. What a challenge the model gave you! One advantage of watercolour - you can cut the page in half and just frame the top part because that looks pretty good from my perspective.

    1. I had the same idea to possibly crop it. Thanks!
