Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Pre-Surgery Sketches

 Yesterday my husband, Jerry had cataract surgery. I was allowed to go in with him before the surgery so while they were getting him set up and putting drops in his eyes, I sketched. I did the ink at the ambulatory center and added color when we got home. All went well with the surgery. In about 2 weeks he will have additional surgery on that eye to remove the blood from a blood vessel that burst in his eye. That is blocking his vision in that eye completely.

Once they took Jerry into surgery I went out to sit in the waiting room. I was able to sketch a few people there.


  1. Good to hear that all went well with Jerry's eye surgery! Hope the rest goes well, too, and his vision is back.

  2. Great sketches. Happy the surgery went well. Never heard of the other problem. Hope that is super successful. We are doing well, too.

  3. Jo, glad Gene is doing well. The bleeding is from diabetic retinopathy and is fairly common in diabetics. His was a bit extreme.
