Thursday, March 25, 2021

Assorted Sketches

The first two sketches here were done for a recent Wet Canvas Scavenger Hunt. The bottom page of people was done while enjoying the sun down at Sayville Beach over the weekend.



  1. The solitary tree is dramatic. Love the view out your studio window! You always find good people sightings. Well done.

    1. Thanks, Jo. I knew the beach would have a lot of people and if I just sit in one place for a while they all pass by. lol


  2. that tree is fabulous Joan!!! I like the way you included the window of your mobile studio for the second piece - very cool. Your people are always fun but I gotta say the guy wearing the shorts must be crazy - it can't be that warm!

  3. Val, thanks so much. It was probably about 60 degrees, and I agree with you about the shorts. He wasn't the only one dressed that way. And some of the little kids had their feet in the water. I had on my jacket. I get cold easily especially sitting still.

  4. Super job Joan -- Love the tree and people especially!
