Sunday, March 14, 2021

Upside-Down Sketching

 On Wednesday the Patchogue Sketch Club met and did a different kind of activity. Since we are still zooming, Mark came up with a new activity. He shared 3 pieces of art (one at a time) but showed them upside-down for us to sketch that way. It was a different way of looking at something...more as lines and shapes than as objects or in this case people.

We started with a piece by Picasso. Here is my sketch done upside-down.

The second piece was one done with more shading than lines.

The last piece was a combination of lines and shading. I think this one was my least successful, but that may have been because it was the last one and by that time I was too tired to really concentrate. It was an interesting approach to sketching.


  1. I’ve painted upside down but never sketched. You did a fantastic job.

  2. I did that exercise when I was working through the Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain book! It was fascinating to see my results because they were so much better than when I tried to draw the same things right side up!

    1. That's what I thought about the first two sketches I did.

  3. LOVE these. I remember the first time I tried that upside down man -- and was shocked that the result LOOKED like the fellow! Great job!

  4. Nicely done Joan especially as they were all of people -tough subject. I always get my drawing students to do an upside-down piece but of buildings; it is a great way to learn how to see.

    1. I know a lot of people have tried this before. I don't know why I didn't.
