Sunday, September 10, 2023

People Sketches

Somehow I forgot to include this sketch of the people at the outdoor bar at Robert Moses Beach. The bar was right near where I was sitting to sketch the people in the showers, so I turned around a bit to see the bar better. 

I also joined the Patchogue Sketch Club on Wednesday. Some of us are involved in a project for Arts on Terry (which is next Saturday) where we were partnered with someone from the group. Each pair is doing a portrait of the other person from a photo. I haven't done portraits in a while and am working on one of my friend, Pat, for the exhibition. When we met on Wednesday some people brought along their pieces to work on them. We set up outdoors between the PAC gallery and the movie theater. I didn't want to drag my canvas with me so I decided to just do portraits of some of the other sketchers. First I sketched Linda who was sketching Mariann and Mike. 

Next I sketched Mirielle who was also sketching the other sketchers. My sketch looks a lot like her.

I was only able to do Rob in pencil. All those weird folds on his hat took a long time to sketch. I think he has some kind of condition where he makes sure to be covered up. I've alway seen him dressed in a similar way. There was no time to add color to his portrait.

I will post the portrait of Pat when it is finished. I still have a little work to do on it.



  1. You have become a people artist. Love these!!

    1. Thanks, Jo. I enjoy doing quick, small portraits like these rather than large portraits.
