Monday, February 22, 2021


 Here are two more snow scenes I did while I couldn't post. This first one is the view outside my window. This time I sketched from the spare room...which funny enough has no spare room. The view is only slightly different from the living room. This was done on in my Strathmore tan toned sketchbook.


When I finally left the house I drove towards Oakdale. There is a little spot with a bit of the river running through it. There used to be more water but in the last year or two some of it was blocked and there is only a narrow rivulet. I was able to park along the side of the road in my mobile studio looking in through the entrance. From all the footsteps in the snow I know some fishermen and bird watchers had been there to check things out. I was comfortable just being in my car and sketching. This was done in my Stillman & Birn Beta sketchbook.


  1. Ahhhh, I like the first one it is so crisp with the fresh snow falling. So fine both.
