Friday, October 11, 2019

Inktober Day 11 - Ticket Booth

 I was heading home yesterday after visiting my friends upstate and then in Massachusetts and hadn't done an Inktober sketch yet. I only had a short time to stop somewhere. My plan was to stop at the Milleridge Inn Restaurant and see if any of the chickens were loose in the parking lot...but they weren't cooperating. They were too busy eating. I did notice that the buildings and area behind the restaurant were being decorated for some kind of fall festival. There were workmen putting up decorations so I sat in my mobile studio facing one of the ticket booths they had already set up. I used my Elegant Writer pen and some diluted ink to shade this.


  1. Halloween and Thanksgiving and fall decorations are perfect for the Inktober sketches. You are excellent at capturing the fun and excitement.

    1. Jo, thanks so much. The ink is perfect for this time of year, you're right.

  2. Glad you decided to sketch the decorations, Joan:) I love Day #11!

  3. A good subject and a lucky find which you did a super job sketching. I like the way you are true to the Inktober theme; a few people on FB have been doing Inktober but seem to aways add gouache or watercolour.

    1. Thanks, Val. I'm often tempted to add color but it is nice to leave it as is. I do get antsy about it by the end of the month and it is hard to leave the color off. lol
