Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Lettering Workshop

When my sketch group met last Wednesday we had one of the members do a lettering workshop with us. She uses a lot of lettering in the pages she does. We did some warmups and then did some objects attached to words, sketching objects that were near us. Yes, we did have a cherry pie as a treat to have with coffee.

We were told to bring a favorite quote with us and we worked writing it out in a combination of capital and lower case letters which we colored in. I was working on sketch paper which really doesn't take watercolors very well, but I thought the result was interesting. 


  1. This looks fun and also useful! Are you going to start incorporating more writing with your sketches?

    - Tina

  2. You can do the cherry pie lettering and eat it too! Nice to see splashes of rainbow colors to your fav quote.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Mel. It was a fun night, but I don't know if I would incorporate it into my sketching.

  3. An interesting workshop and an super piece on the quote. Nice job Joan.

  4. Ah, such fun. They all look so great. You always do excellent lettering.
