Saturday, June 22, 2024

30x30 Direct Watercolor #22 Meadow Croft & Flowers

The lawn at Meadow Croft Estate in Sayville had some lovely yellow flowers...perfect for a 30x30 Direct Watercolor.

The Patchogue Sketch Club went to the Swan River Preserve in Patchougue the other night. The foliage there is so tall it is hard to find a view to sketch. I ended up focusing on some small flowers against the slats of the fence.


Friday, June 21, 2024

30x30 Direct Watercolor #21 At the Arboretum

Recently I took a trip over to the Planting Fields Arboretum in Oyster Bay. I wanted to paint the roses on the trellises and wasn't sure if they were blooming yet. According to one of the horticultural specialists the aren't at their peak yet, but as you can see they are blooming. Hopefully I will get back there and do another painting. I love this spot because it reminds me of Monet's Garden when I painted there

When I finished the roses on the trellises I went into the walled garden. These flowers are Canterbury Bells. I used a bit of oil pastel on this in addition to the watercolors.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

30x30 Direct Watercolor #20 Olish's Farm

I like looking inside greenhouses, like this one at Olish's Farm in Eastport. They always have such nice displays outside. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

30x30 Direct Watercolor #19 Scenes from Port Jeff

Recently my friend, Suzala and I went to Port Jeff. Rather than ending up at an event that we were planning to go to, we walked around the town to find something to paint. I wanted to do a direct watercolor for the challenge. We found a spot in the shade outside a restaurant that looked really great. As I was finishing up, a lady with a little boy came over to see what I was doing. Looking at it she realized she was the lady with the cap sitting at the table. lol 

Next we moved to the main street in town. There was a spot with a view of Yogo Delish, a yogurt place. Luckily there was no parking allowed in front of the spot where we were painting, or directly across the street where Yogo Delish was, so we had a good view.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

30x30 Direct Watercolor #17 - Beach Apparel

 I don't know about the beaches in other places, but here on Long Island most of our beaches have a shop that sells shirts and sweatshirts from that beach and assorted useful items for the beach. This was the "shopping area" at Robert Moses State Park and was done with direct watercolor.

Monday, June 17, 2024

30x30DirectWatercolor #17 Geese + Sunbather

Down by the bay in Bayport the other day I saw a group of geese hanging around. Of course there were about 8 to start with but only 2 managed to stay around long enough to be models for my Direct Watercolor #17.

When I was at the Robert Moses Beach recently I tried sketching with Procreate on my iPad. It is difficult to sketch on it in bright sunlight because it is very difficult to see what you're doing. Considering this was a half-blind sketch I don't think it came out too bad.


Sunday, June 16, 2024

30x30DirectWatercolor #16 & Holbein Workshop

I am always attracted to umbrellas and if they are red that's the icing on the cake. My 16th 30x30 Direct Watercolor was done at the Greek Bites Gill in Moriches. This time I can say I've been inside and have sampled their food, which is really good. 

Recently the Patchogue Arts Council hosted a Holbein Workshop where the Long Island representative, Jim Minet had us try out assorted Holbein art materials, watercolor mediums,  and Legion papers like Stonehenge and Yupo.

We started with Hobein watercolors on Stonehenge paper using a reference photo. We moved on to Holbein gouache and their acrylic gouache.

We tried painting on Yupo paper, a synthetic, plastic-like surface. I forgot how much fun that was to use...and also how frustrating too.

Jim also had us work on their black paper. The gouache especially worked well on that. In addition we tried the Holbein irridescent medium that can be used with watercolor or gouache.

Below you can see the irridescent medium in the shell I painted. I think all the participants enjoyed the workshop and the freebies that we went home with at the end of the night.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

30x30 Direct Watercolor #15

My plein air group met at the West Sayville Maritime Musuem grounds recently. I went out on the dock to paint this. I always worry about dropping something and having it fall through one of the cracks.

For Creative Spark the prompt was a motorcycle. I found two out in Moriches.


Friday, June 14, 2024

30x30DirectWatercolor #14 Flowers & Trees + Pool Time

This direct watercolor for the 30x30 Challenge was done in Sayville. I liked the bright spring greens contrasted with the purple and pink flowers.

I had my iPad with me at the pool over the weekend. There were a few people sitting at the edge of the pool so I pulled out the iPad and used Procreate to do a sketch.


Thursday, June 13, 2024

30x30 Direct Watercolor #4 + More

 For my 5th 30x30 Direct Watercolor I painted the view across the Great South Bay from Smith Point.

When I was at the Teddy Roosevelt Reenactment there were other sketching opportunities. One was this1903 Brewster carriage.

I also captured a few people sitting around watching the activities going on.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

30x30 Direct Watercolor #3

My friend, Suzala and I headed up to Oyster Bay where they were having a reenactment event of Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders. We sat near the entertainment where horse riders were taking part in shooting and lancing events. Drawing horses is difficult enough, but they were moving a lot while I was trying to paint in direct watercolors. I was fairly successful.

Even after I did one painting for the 30x30 challenge that day I did a few more directly in watercolor.

This one below was done in water-soluble graphite and watercolors.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

30x30 Direct Watercolors #1 & #2

Every year in June Uma Kelkar & Marc Taro Holmes present the 30x30 Direct Watercolor Challenge. During the month the participants strive to create 30 direct watercolor paintings. No pencil or ink lines are allowed. I've been participating for a number of years. I definitely think this challenge makes me more observant and also makes me stop and think about the composition of my piece and what goes in front of or behind something else. It is fun to take part in this.

Both of these small ATC sized paintings were done in the garden area at the beach.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Susan's Poppies

My friend, Susan has poppies in her garden and I try to get there to sketch/paint them each year. I waited a bit too long this year. The last rainstorm we had pretty much knocked them down. I did the best I could with what was left. Thanks, Susan! 

Yesterday I wanted to remove some of the blogs on the side of my page that have been removed and can no longer be seen. I was still planning to keep the inactive ones because sometimes I like to go back and look at them. Somehow in removing the blogs I removed ALL of them, and I couldn't find a way to correct what I did. So I spent some time redoing the "gadget" and relisting some of the blogs that I knew how to get to. I probably went from about 30 of them down to about 12. They were the most active...and if you are reading this you are probably included. I hope so!

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Lighthouse Prints

 The Patchogue Sketch Club has been doing some printmaking. I designed a lighthouse template and made a few black & white prints and ghost prints.

I was happy with the way these came out, but I wanted to try a multi colored print. That isn't as easy as it sounds. I ran out of time at our meeting and our printmaking is supposedly on hiatus for a while as we return to outdoor sketching. I will try to do it at home, but at present I only have black ink. If I get it done I will post the results.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Steps Above Port Jeff

 I like painting up in Port Jefferson. The houses on the north shore aren't on flat land like they are here on the south they are often on hills, or slightly raised above street level. This house had quite a few steps from the street level up to the front door. Of course I love the white picket fence in front.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Flowers at the Market

 When I was out on the North Fork recently I was attracted to all the flower displays like this one at Bayview Farm & Market in Aquebogue.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

North Fork Umbrellas

 Riding along the main road of the North Fork, I saw these red umbrellas over tables of purple flowers. It was a outdoor seating area for the bagel store in the small strip mall.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Sayville Farmers Market

I like capturing the people at the Sayville Farmers Market. There is always some interesting activity.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Ice Palace

The forecast for the day was rain, but it looked like it was clear enough that I could get out someplace local and sketch before that happened. The colorful Ice Palace in Oakdale caught my eye. I didn't trust the weather so I sat in my mobile studio in the auto repair parking lot across the street. It was a good thing I did because it did pour for a few minutes and then rained lightly for a while. I was smart enough to sketch the people when I first got there...just in case they had to leave and seek Once the heavy rain passed there were other people who stopped for ices and sat under the umbrellas. I still haven't tried their ices, and I've sketched there before. 

You can see the other sketches I've done of the Ice palace in 2022 here and in 2012 here.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Views from Pier 57

The NYC Urban Sketchers recently met at Pier 57 along the Hudson River. It had some interesting views like this one of "Little Island," a park jutting out into the river with several different levels. I was sitting on the top level of Pier 57 which luckily had some huge areas that were shaded.

I moved over to the other side of the 3rd level and sketched the building that houses the Pier 59 Studios. Pier 59 Studios is a multimedia fashion studio at Chelsea Piers, and is said to be the largest commerical photography/multimedia studio in the world.

Later I went down to the 2nd level which didn't have much shade. I tucked myself under a overhang from stairs leading up to the 3rd level. These ladies were sitting straight ahead of me and looked like interesting subjects to sketch.


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Fire Island Paint Out & News

On the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend, the Wet Paints Studio Group organized a paint out at the Fire Island Lighthouse. Artists were invited to come on Friday or Saturday and paint somewhere on the grounds near the lighthouse. I've done his paint out several times and always enjoy it. The pieces created are now hanging in the lens house of the lighthouse and are for sale, with part of the proceeds going toward the lighthouse.

My first painting is 8 x 10 and was painted from the eastern end of Robert Moses Field 5. I like that view with the lighthouse peeking out behind the dunes.

The paintings had to be brought to the lens house which is about 3/4 of a mile walk from the parking lot. I framed the painting above, put it in my cart, and took another 2 frames (I was being optomistic) and the materials I would need to get them ready to hang. I walked nearly to the lens house and found another view of the lighthouse that I liked. 
There was a lot of foot traffic going back and forth to the lighthouse and a lot of people stopped to see what I was doing and chat with me for a few minutes. One person who stopped by came over and asked me if I was Joan. He recognized me from Facebook where we are friends. We hadn't met in person before. Needless to say that with all the socializing I only got one more painting done. When I finished framing the painting I headed over to the lens house. A few artist friends were there painting, so I relaxed for a few minutes before I turned in my paintings. My thanks to Carol Corbett who always organizes this event. The paintings will be hanging there for sale until the end of the month. This painting was smaller...5 x 7.

This weekend the South Bay Art Association had their 64th Annual Members Show. I had been out painting on Saturday but made it back in time to head over to the reception in Bellport. When I got there I found out that I had received a ribbon for 1st place in watercolors. I was surprised and thrilled. My painting is at the top.


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Assorted Gelli Prints

I've been working a little on gelli prints with both my round and my rectangular gelli prints. I've been using flowers and leaves in the prints.