Monday, August 29, 2022

Ice Palace

Over in Oakdale there is a very colorful gourmet Italian ice stand, called the Ice Palace. How can you resist the pink awnings and the yellow-green umbrellas? The problem is finding a place to sit and sketch. Directly across the main street is a tire dealer and it isn't quite safe to sit along the busy street. I noticed that there was a pretty nice view from the side, but I had to sit in the 7-Eleven parking lot. I ended up sitting in my car parked in the last spot near the curb. It was too busy there too.



  1. So fantastic. Nice looking place. I think I told you I tried the chocolate ice here. It was a sad snow cone sort of serving. Wonder if I’ll get to New York to try a “real” ice!

    1. That would be a long trip for a "real" ice. lol I haven't tried them at this place. I'll have to do a taste test and let you know. I know it won't be like a snow cone.
