Saturday, May 4, 2019

Heading Home

We flew home on Tuesday. Like usual we were at the airport early...just in case. That gave me some time to do a sketch at the airport. This was the counter where we had our last cappuccinos of the trip, and the gentleman who made them. I love how people are always posting sketches of their cups of coffee in these lovely cups...but I always seem to get paper cups. lol

Once we boarded the plane for our Delta flight home, I sketched as people were getting settled and putting their bags in the overhead. Then I put away all my art materials before takeoff.

This is the last bit from my trip to Venice. I hope you enjoyed taking the trip with me.


  1. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks!

  2. Lovely work Joan and I certainly enjoyed taking the trip with you - some of the enjoyment and none of the fuss - lol.

    1. LOL You got to stay dry too. Thanks for looking and commenting.

  3. This was a most comfortable and entertaining way to travel. Thanks, Joan.

  4. Thanks for taking me along with you. I really enjoyed it.
