Wednesday, April 24, 2019

View From the Bridge

You really can’t go far without finding a bridge here in Venice. This one that I sat on this morning is just one street away from us. 


  1. We watched Three Coins in a Fountain the other night - your sketches make Venice look so much nicer than the movie as you always seem to find some green to add. I need green in my life - lol!

    1. Thanks so much, Val. I like finding green to put in the sketches. There are a lot of balconies that have flowerpots and many apartment buildings have hidden gardens somewhere...even of the roof sometimes. I've watched movies that were about Venice or took place in Venice and I always watch to see if the location is a place I have seen. lol

  2. I like this. Windows and doorways are always interesting.

  3. Amazing sketch Joan...looking at this one I feel as if I am seeing lovely Venice close up. Take care friend and have a great weekend. Hugs!

    1. Debbie, thanks so much. Each place is unique and special to me.
