Sunday, September 16, 2018

Sunflower Field

I have painted this view of the Suffolk County Farm many times, but have never seen sunflowers in the field...cows maybe, but not sunflowers. This view is on the exit ramp of a very busy highway here on Long Island. The ramp runs on the south side of the Long Island Expressway and there is this very roomy spot next to the marked exit ramp. I'm always expecting the highway police to come along and give me a hard time about parking there, but so far I've been lucky. It isn't like I'm anywhere near the traffic coming off. Just one side of the field had the flowers so I backed up into the corner to get this view. I always sit in my car for safety when I paint or sketch there.


  1. A-ha, so you know a thing or two about questionable parking for the sake of art, too! ;-) And it was worth it!

    - Tina

    1. My feeling is if I am in the car I'm not parked. lol

  2. Oh, how beautiful. A field of of sunflowers. Love this, Joan.
    Your parking skills must be awesome by now. All these years of plein air work.

    1. Thanks. This is one of the few places I don't get out of my car. NY drivers are crazy.

  3. I think the Highway Police must know your car by I have passed the sunflower fields here on Long Island and can't believe how beautiful it is. As always, you did an amazing job on these flowers!!!

  4. I suppose you have your car blinkers on while you paint? Didn't know you were in a "questionable parking [spot] for the sake of art". I really like this one.

    1. I don't put on the blinkers. I pull way over on the other side of the striped area that separates the exit lane from the rest. Thanks!

  5. This lovely sketch captures such a sunny happy feeling Joan. Sunflowers are always so cheerful. Have a super week. Hugs!

    1. Thanks! I love how sunny they look. Have a great week.

  6. How bright and cheerful! And the red building makes a nice contrast
