Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Seatuck Shed

Yahoo...I got to do actual plein air painting outside yesterday. Our temperature reached about 47 degrees. I went down to the Seatuck Environmental Center in Islip and had planned to sit in the car and sketch something. There was no good view from the car. So I got out with my supplies and went and sat on a bench in the sun. I had my earwarmers and fingerless gloves just in case, but was able to work without them.
This is a planting shed on the property there.


  1. Have you painted this before, Joan? It looks familiar...That said, I think this is gorgeous! I love the little shed and greenhouse and the way they nestle into their background.

  2. With the greenhouse and the lovely background trees, you have made this little shed into a work of art.

  3. Thanks, Tina. It felt good to be out in the sun.

    Sherry - Thanks, I haven't painted this greenhouse before, but there are others around that look similar that I have painted.

    Mickey - I'm getting warmed up for MB. Thank you.

  4. Dear Joan - good for you - I really like your subject - makes me think spring is around the corner - I hope so -47 degrees - wow - please send it my way.
