Sunday, March 31, 2019

Old Hollywood Costumes

I came across an exhibition of old Hollywood costumes the other day. I asked permission to do a few sketches, but it wasn’t easy to balance things standing up. The first costumes was worn by Dois Day and the others were all from the movie, “Gone With the Wind.” Do you recognize the green one? It is the "curtain dress."

(Yay! I posted all three of these from the iPad. Venice posting may be possible after all.)


  1. What a cool show... this must have been fun to sketch! I DO recognize the curtain gown! A-ha -- so it's Venice! ;-)

    1. Yes, Venice here we come... The show was good. If I wasn't busy getting ready for the trip I would have gone back to sketch again.

    2. Terrific! Can't wait to see your Venice sketches and after your trip, I'd like to know more about this Blogger application you're using with your iPad. Have a fantastic vacation!

  2. Being a fan of "Gone With the Wind" I immediately recognized that green dress. These sketches are all fabulous. So glad you are able to post from Venice. Enjoy your trip! Hugs

    1. I love the movie so when I saw the costumes I was so excited! Thanks!

  3. Wonderful and fun. I always loved Doris Day movies.

  4. Well done Joan if you did these while standing! Good job posting with the Ipad!

    1. Thank you. You can tell by the wiggly lines in Rhet's pants. lol
