Monday, February 5, 2018

30 Day Challenge - Day 5 - Avocado Time

No landscape today. Instead for Day 5 of Leslie Saeta's "30 Paintings in 30 Days" challenge I did a still life using some foods I had in the kitchen. I had put a large hole in the side of my tire and only had the donut on my car. I didn't want to go looking for a landscape until I got the tire replaced, which I will do this morning. This was done with gouache.

My thanks to my friend, Celia Blanco for the inspiration.  She did a painting of an avocado recently that I loved.


  1. oh yeah, love the round objects against the diagonals and the colors are perfect. Just had an guacamole yesterday while watching the Super Bowl!!

    1. Nelvia, thanks so much! Glad I found something different to paint at home.

  2. Simply divine Joan - the blue stripes really direct the eye. The contrast of red cherry tomatoes make the avocado stand out too. Hope you get your tire fixed. Take care and have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks, Debbie! Tire replaced and I'm free to drive again. Have a wonderful day.

  3. Looks like you are all ready to make something scrumptious in the kitchen. Super sketch Joan and great composition.

  4. Such a lively composition with the colors and bright stripes!

    - Tina
