Sunday, February 4, 2018

30 Day Challenge - Day 4 - Fishing Boat & Portrait Party

Today is Day 4 of Leslie Saeta's "30 Paintings in 30 Days" challenge. This gouache painting was done by the canal in Islip. 
If you are interested in seeing some of the other paintings that have been done for the challenge you can check Leslie's blog here: 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Yesterday was the NYC Urban Sketchers Portrait Party. The group was divided into 4 groups of 14-17 people per group. Each person in your group posed for 10 minutes while the other artists frantically scrambled to complete the sketch. My group had 14 people, so I did 13 portraits. was exhausting! Here are the portrait sketches I did. #13 is missing because I was model #13.

Of course I started of the day with a sketch on the Long Island Railroad. This group of people was going into NYC for some sort of races being held at the Armory.


  1. Love the boat in the harbor! I couldn't do 30 paintings in 30 days. Just not got it in me. So, I admire you for your dilegence and your talent!

    1. Lantane, thanks. I've done the 30 Paintings challenge before and was able to keep up with it.

  2. Wow, have you been busy! All of the work here is great Joan but your 10 minute sketches are wonderful.

    1. Val, thanks so much. The 10 minute pace was tiring. We did 7 portraits before lunch and 7 after. lol Not much time to relax.

  3. What fun Joan!!! And you did them beautifully!!!

  4. I've been enjoying your 30 days paintings! And the portrait party looks like a lot of fun! I remember it was pretty intense when I participated at the symposium. . .seems like we had only about 5 minutes per sketch!

  5. Wow, some of these paintings are just awesome
