Friday, March 7, 2014

Stained Paper Collage - Day 4

Today we continued working on collages form our minds or our references. I decided to work from a reference photo of a pond with a waterlily. This is 8 x 10.

We did get to walk on the beach at sunrise. It was drizzling a bit on the way back and there wasn't much color in the sky. I did catch a big wave.


  1. The pond painting with the water lily is wonderful, Joan. The colors of the lilies is beautiful. And you caught an amazing sunrise...gorgeous sky!

  2. This is gorgeous, Joan. Could you pls. let me know the type of paper you are using here?

  3. love the water lilies Joan! Also you got a great shot of the wave!

  4. Your workshop sounds like an incredible experience. I love the colors, textures and shapes. Wonderful work Joan! The beach is great on any day in my book.

  5. Your painting is so clever, I find collage really hard.

  6. I love what you re doing, Joan. I make such a mess with collage and it ends up looking like something a 10 year did in art at school. The beach looks a gorgeous place to be walking.

  7. Hilda - Thanks!

    Ai - Thank you. We used Japanese and Thai wash papers that we painted with watercolors.

    Thanks Wendy!

    Celia - I agree about the beach. lol It was a great workshop!

    Polly - This was a fun challenge. Thanks.

    Sherry - lol I'll be pulling collage and mat medium off my fingers for weeks. Thank you.

  8. It's good to visit after so long. These are a real departure Joan, and you appear to be a complete natural when it comes to collage. I love your colour selections and gorgeous textures. Lovely work!!

  9. Yeah, you're back!!! Good to see your post. Hope you are doing well. Thanks so much!
