Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Bridge

Before going to the beach yesterday for most of the day, I went to the Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge in Shirley to do a little sketching. I like this view of the bridge and the kayakers provided a bit of color under the arch. This is 5 x 7.


  1. This is gorgeous, Joan! You did the reflections and shading so perfectly. Plus I'm partial to bridges!

  2. Super sketch Joan!! Great sense of structure with the tones and some lovely foliage colours. The canoe providing a flash of bright colour is a real masterstroke, very clever! Like MiataGrrl, I too find bridges appealing and have them on my "to do" list. Well done!!

  3. I wish I came across scenes such as this more often. Truly beautiful, Joan, and you did it great justice.

  4. Tina - Thanks! Bridges are rather rare right near me. This is a train tressle and the train came by several times while I was painting. lol

    Kevin - Thank you. I am always searching for bridges when I travel.

    Sherry - They are hard to find. Thanks!
