Thursday, December 27, 2012

Before Christmas I made a few individual holiday cards for people but forgot to take photos of most of them. This was done of part of my ornamented tree. I'm hoping to do some small watercolor sketches of the special ornaments on my tree.


  1. I forget to take photos too Joan,so you're not alone. This is a very pretty tree ornament, lovely painting.

  2. Love old family treasured ornaments! Beautiful piece, Joan.

  3. Those dreaded photos, I do that too sometimes. I can just imagine your tree now with all these lovely ornaments. Lovely work on the branches. I found those the hardest bit to paint on mine.

  4. Ann - Thanks so much!

    Sherry - I love them too. Thanks.

    Laura - Thank you!

  5. Lovely! We did no cards this year -- sigh -- maybe try against next year???
