Friday, February 2, 2024

Bellport Snow & Still Life

While there was still snow on the ground recently I sat along Bell Street in Bellport to sketch some houses and snow right near the Bellport Historical Museum. I'm glad that I did because the snow was soon gone.


This still life was done for the Creative Spark scavenger hunt....something flexible, something inflexible, something round and something triangular.


  1. Mmmm, love the snow scene. Looks a bit cold but the warm light makes me want to be there. Love the still life. Cool pie server. Good job on the glass and straw.

  2. It's nice to record the recent snow scene. We're not having many of those lately, not that I'm complaining. And your still life selections for the promp were spot on!

    1. Mel, thanks so much. I had to capture every bit of snow I could find. lol
