Friday, April 2, 2021

Women in History

On Wednesday night, Mark organized our sketch event on Zoom focusing on politically relevant women past and present. Twice during the evening he posted photos of 3 women. We were welcome to sketch one, two, or all three each time.

I started with Angela Davis. This was an old photo of her. I couldn't resist doing that afro.

In the same group of photos were Emma Goldman and Susan B Anthony. I liked the photo of Emma Goldman and her clothing looked a bit easier to do than the attire on Susan B Anthony. I couldn't do three of them in 45 and still do any justice to any of them.

The last group of photos included Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Malala Yousafzai. I figured I would start with Malala and then do RBG, but I ran out of time. 

I am so thankful to Mark Propper for coming up with a new topic each week and doing the research to find images, or find the time to do a still life setup for us. Rumor has it that if the weather is good next week the group will be sketching outdoors. I'm not sure how that will work for me since I have to make dinner for Jerry before we meet. 


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