Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Lady in the Harbor

The NYC Urban Sketchers have been holding Saturday Zoom gatherings with a theme. This week it was to sketch our hometown, NYC. For the morning we were asked to select places that we loved best.  One of the places I love but still haven't really had the opportunity to sketch is The Statue of Liberty. I've included her in sketches as part of the background out in the harbor. I looked for a reference where she was in the foreground, and in this case the background is Ellis Island.

I visited the Statue of Liberty many times, especially with my students when I was teaching. I don't miss the days of having to accompany the students as they climbed inside the statue. In those days I didn't do urban sketching so it was a treat to do this sketch. Maybe some day in the future I'll actually go to Liberty Island just for the purpose of sketching.