Friday, January 12, 2018


The nerves in my shoulder and side have bothering me so I went to an urgent care facility in Sayville to see if they could do anything for me. They prescribed prednisone which has helped a bit. Of course I went prepared for the wait with my sketchbook. Which of the patients looks the most unwell? I think it was the woman at the top in the middle. She looked miserable and didn't even look at her phone once...a sure sign she must be sick. lol


  1. Oh, sorry to hear about your shoulder and side! Hope you're feeling better soon, Joan! Yeah, that woman looks like she isn't feeling too great. . .

    - Tina

    1. Thanks, Tina. I felt like I should be wearing a mask when I passed her.

  2. I hope that you will be better soon. I agree the woman in the middle looked miserable - good job show that!. I had to chuckle about everyone else looking at their phones, I usually take my e-reader if I know I will have to wait - lol.

    1. Thanks. I brought my sketchbook and my reader...just in case.
