Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Little Nook Cafe

Last week I met a few friends at the Little Nook Cafe in West Sayville. We sketched there a few weeks ago and it was fun. Last week most of the local schools had off for President's Week so there were more people around to sketch.


  1. Very, very nice. I admire you for getting out and about to sketch. I stick to around the house or wherever we are (hotel or rental) most of the time.

  2. We are total opposites Joan, you do many miles finding interesting subject matter which you sketch in your unique style, me I sometimes dont get out of the studio for days on end, my car sits idle.

  3. Thanks, Jo. I rarely stay put around the house. lol

    Lorraine, you have a studio. The outdoors seems to be my studio.

  4. Are those holes in the kid's pants (on the stool)?! What a great detail!


  5. Thanks, Tina. Her pants had slashes all along her legs. lol
