Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Beach Rocks & Lighthouse

Last week I took a ride up along the north fork of Long Island to the Horton Point Lighthouse in Southold. After this weekend you need to be a resident to park in the area, so it was now or wait until the fall. I decided to go down to the beach which required walking down a staircase of over 125 steps. Of course that meant I had to walk up those same stairs when I was finished. It was a workout lugging my backpack and chair too. This was a bit of the rocky view down there.

Of course when I got to the top I had to sketch the lighthouse, which you can't see from down on the beach. You have to be a ways out in the water in order to see it.
Both of these are 5 x 7.


  1. Worth all the effort of those steps for these lovely paintings Joan.

  2. I love the beach sketch! And I love it even more knowing that you climbed down (and up) 125 steps to get to it.

  3. LOL My legs are still aching! Thanks everyone!

  4. So very good Joan! Love the rocks! Well done! I can smell the awesome ocean air! Bravo!
