Thursday, July 1, 2021

Patriotic Lucy

 This week Lefty Lucy was decked out for the 4th of July in some very patriotic colors and giving a nod to Lady Liberty. Here are a few of my sketches from the evening.

Some 5 minute sketches.

Some 10 minute sketches.

And the portrait pose of 20 minutes.


  1. You seem to be sketching up a storm at your usual pace lately (except not on location)! Hope you are getting around OK!

    1. Thanks, Tina. I am ready to go out anywhere and sketch...even from my mobile studio. It is hard being in the house for so long.

  2. Joan catching up with your posts...looks like you are making the best of your recovery time with all your lovely sketches. I especially love the flowers. Hope you are getting stronger every day. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, Debbie. I appreciate the thoughts, prayers and comments. I hope you are enjoying your break.

  3. Really nice of Lucy. Of course I love the red, white and blue. Bet you are anxious to get out more. We’ve been out a little but no sketching.

    1. Thanks, Jo. I've been out but only to PT and the grocery store. lol Even that is a welcome change.

  4. Post-surgery progress looking good. Glad to hear. Looking forward to your mobile studio sketches.
