Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Pre-Dr. Sketchy Sketches

I guess I did this sort of backwards. We got to the Dr. Sketchy venue a little early to make sure we got good seats. Of course everyone there was an artist, and typical of most artists they made the best of their time before the model came out and sketched each did I.

These people were seated closer to the bar across from me. The good thing about sketching artists is that they usually aren't going anywhere so they stay put. lol

This guy had the right idea. He had a bottle of champagne in a bucket while he was sketching.

This artist was ready with her materials, but had to check her phone one last time. lol


  1. I think your people sketching really improved after #oneweek100people! Great practice, and now you're doing more!

    1. LOL People are popping up everywhere. Thanks, Tina!

  2. Great job on all the folks. Interesting ways to pose. Start in undies and end up dressed and ready to go. Ha. Love it!

    1. Jo, it was an interesting way to pose and a lot of fun to watch her get into stockings and garter belt, etc. Thanks.

  3. Always making great use of your time! I get a chuckle out of the ones sitting with no chair - super work Joan.
