Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Flower Field

On Saturday my friend and I drove out to the north fork of Long Island. We have a few favorite spots, and Sep's Farm Stand is one of them. The fresh produce attracts us but they also have a lovely field of flowers to paint. I was very thankful for my plein air umbrella that can attach to my chair, because it was really hot out in the sun.


  1. Ah, so lovely Joan! After those ink drawings from Marc's class, I bet you were itching to get your paints out again! ;-) Glad you did!

  2. So colourful, I can see that the real field of flowers would certainly inspire

  3. Your pieces of the past few days are all lovely, Joan! I too like sailboats and this English garden looking field with distant house is awesome!

  4. Thank, Lin!

    Tina, LOL you are right. This was right up my alley. Thanks.

    Lorraine, thank you.

    Sherry, it is a pretty spot. Thanks.

    Hilda, thank you.

  5. Beautiful work on this, love the flowers!

  6. Wow that field full of flowers must have been a great sight to see. Great sketch.

  7. Thanks so much Celia and Laura. It was a perfect painting spot.
