Thursday, February 5, 2015

Snowy Farm

I enjoy driving around and seeing farmland that is still being used for farms on Long Island. So much  is gone due to residential developments. The other day I wanted to sketch something with snow so I took a ride out near Wading River about 25 minutes northeast of me. There were a lot of good views...but with no place to park my car due to the banks of snow. Finally I spotted this. I loved that the green was showing a little where some vehicle had driven through or maybe the wind and sun had just worked their magic to let it peek through.

If you've seen the link below please ignore the following message. I know some people only get to check blogs once a week or less.

Back in my post for Nov. 18, 2014 I had posted a photo of myself doing my presentation for the Wet Paints Studio Group in Sayville. I spoke about art and my life and brought along examples of my drawings, collage, paintings, and sketchbooks. I promised all of you that when the video of my presentation was available I would post a link to it. has been on youTube for a while, but I had been posting so much here that I didn't want to overwhelm the pages. Now that things are a little quieter I am posting it. It is a little over an hour long so if you want to watch it you may want to do it in more than one sitting. lol Enjoy and tell me what you think.


  1. LOVE this watercolor Joan! My sister lives in Ridge and she sees soo many deer from her window...I always think of you ......I know you would capture them beautifully...

  2. You are so committed to go out in snowy weather to sketch Joan, a real artist

  3. Love your farm sketch Joan. I have saved your Youtube link, I will surely watch it :-)
