Monday, January 21, 2013

Inauguration Day

Today was the inauguration of President Barack Obama for his second term of office. I figured if I could sketch Times Square on New Year's Eve from the TV, I could probably do this too. However once he started his speech they only showed Barack, not the people sitting behind him, so I had to sort of do that by memory. lol
Hopefully this will be a productive term of office for all of us.
Congratulations, Mr. President!


  1. A good opportunity to sketch a subject that stayed relatively still. :-) Good one.

  2. Congratulations to you Joan!
    Great subject matter and well done!
    Good for you! I love your wonderful attitude! Very, very creative and inspiring. One of your best!
    "Hail To The Chief!"
    Your buddy in art,
    (I also love the last couple of posts!)

  3. Well done Joan! Such a lovely memory!

  4. It's great that you acknowledged this historic and important event with a sketch! I have yet to sketch anything from the TV... gotta try that.

  5. An awesome piece so very well done, Joan.
