Monday, January 27, 2025

Artists Lake

In Middle Island there is a small lake called Artists Lake. It abuts a main east-west road on one side and then is encircled by a few small developments. Every time I pass by there is a flock of birds hanging around. I think a lot of people stop to feed them. This time they were out in the frigid cold sitting on the snow and ice...not a comfortable idea in my opinion. The lake was fairly frozen and there were two teenagers walking on it not too far from the edge. I don't know how thick the ice was, but I wouldn't take the chance. Two men came along with an auger(?) that screws into the ice. I couldn't see where they went and if they were checking the thickness of the ice, but in about 7 minutes they were back at their car and drove off. 


  1. Very artistic of Artists Lake. It comes through as cold and frozen. I really like the gestures of the birds. Beautiful.

    1. Thanks. Most of the birds cooperated and stayed still.

  2. Great observation! You really got the different gestures of the birds. Really nice.

    1. Thanks, Mel. And when they got up...they all got up and moved away.
