Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Direct Watercolor #16

 Being the beach person that I am I spend a lot of time driving across this bridge at the end of the Robert Moses Causeway going to Robert Moses State Park. I picked this for my painting #16 for the 30 x 30 Direct Watercolor Challenge.


  1. Joan what an excellent subject - such a good job with direct watercolor. I am certain that type of challenge only makes you more observant as well as making each mark count. Glad to see you are getting rain. Hope that the bad air from Canada's fires is better too. Have a super weekend. Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, Debbie. They forecasted storms for today and the next few days. Haven't seen a drop yet...Have a great weekend.

  2. This is so great in direct watercolor. You definitely have the touch!
