Sunday, September 15, 2024

Coffee Anyone?

There are several coffee shops in Bellport and Bellport General is one of them. I haven't tried their coffee and I haven't been inside...yet. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Lifeguard Shack

 There is a great lifeguard area at Field 5 at Robert Moses State Park. The building is fun and so is their sculpture garden filled with treasures.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Sayville Beach

 I've sat down by Sayville Beach and sketched this view many times. This time I used my iPad and Procreate.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Printing Project Part 1

Every year for the last few years the Patchogue Sketch Club has taken part in an outdoor festival called Arts on Terry. We always do a group project. This year we are doing a printing project. Each of the members carved a plate of something having to do with under the sea. We have printed the plates together on fabric. The first ones were done with blue ink on an orangy fabric.

Here is my lobster plate ready for printing. 

Here are the other plates that were printed.

Janet's seahorse.

Marianne's scuba cat.

Rosanne's underwater scene.

Laurie's fish.

Casey's koi.

Here they are printed on the fabric.

Then we printed using black ink on a blueish fabric.

The contrast in some areas wasn't quite as good as on the orange.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Manor House and More

This is part of the manor house at the Bayard Cutting Arboretum in Oakdale. I was planning to join my plein air group around the other side of the house, but when I saw this view I knew I was going to paint it. I joined the other ladies for lunch instead.

One of the items on the scavenger hunt for Creative Spark was the front of a house. I did this one with my magic pencil. The house was down by the bay in Sayville.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Shed

 This branch of "The Shed" is located in Sayville along Main Street. I always look and check if there are people sitting outside when I pass. It is a nice spot, although it must be tough for the wait staff who have to bring everything out from the interior of the restaurant to the tables outside...and the ground slopes. I am one of those people who prefer to sit in an actual chair with a back than at a picnic table. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Bayport Corner

Bayport doesn't really have a "town" area, but down at the end of Bayport Ave where it meets Middle Road has a few stores. I used to get my hair cut over there. I like to do street views in the small towns here.

Sunday, September 8, 2024


Every once in a while one of these creatures makes an appearance and sits as a model for me. 

I am very thankful.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Riverside Park South

The NYC Urban Sketchers went to Riverside Park South last Saturday. This is the old gantry that allowed freight cars to roll from barges to the rail yard that used to be here. 

Next I went out on the pier to get a view looking back at the park. It started to rain lightly so most of us scurried to get underneath the umbrellas by the cafe. Mel was at the next table so I decided to sketch him while I waited for the weather to clear. I used a double page in my watercolor moleskin. It was perfect to fit Mel and include the green umbrella too.

When the rain finally stopped I went back out on the pier to continue the sketch I had started. This is looking back toward the West Side Highway. I was able to include a few people at tables as well as a few joggers.

I had a little time left before show and tell so I was able to do one more small, quick sketch.

Friday, September 6, 2024


 Both of these were sketches for the Creative Spark Scavenger Hunts recently. Here is a vehicle.

Here is the front of a house. This was done with a Magic Pencil.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Green Avenue House

I've painted this house before and sold the painting, so I decided to do a similar one. This is one of my favorite houses in Sayville on Green Avenue. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Lazy Bunny Ukulele Band

 Last Wednesday the Patchogue Sketch Club went to sketch one of the last of the bands scheduled for the summer concert series in Sayville. The Lazy Bunny Ukulele Band was playing. The band consists of 4 members, but before they performed a young man with disabilities was invited up to sing and play his guitar. Bobby sang "Crocodile Rock" and didn't have the best voice, but the audience loved him! I think he is in some way related to one or more of the band members and many people in the audience seemed to know him. He was so filled with energy and pride to be performing that I sketched him first. Then he left the stage and the other band members played. Of course I added them as they played. They were a fun group and had a lot of especially...dancing to their music.

I sent a copy of the sketch to the band on Facebook and they loved it so much that they posted it to their feed. They asked if they could make copies of it for each of them, and I said yes. Then I was contacted by Bobby's mom who is interested in purchasing the original sketch. She was so touched that I included him in the sketch, and apparently he was thrilled. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Yahpank Lake

 Last Tuesday my plein air group met at Yaphank Lake. I liked this view through the foliage.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Bellport Corner House

 This house on the corner in Bellport must have wonderful views of the water. It is set back up a hill with no houses in front of it to obstruct the view of the water. I can imagine being inside that front room and using it as an art studio.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Carnival

 I like when there is a carnival in town, but I rarely go when it is open. This one was held in a field near a golf course, and I went and sat outside the fence when there was nobody around. I moved some of the rides closer together so I could do a few of them in one scene. I am taking a workshop on using Posca acrylic markers in a few weeks, and I wanted to try them out. They seem like fun.